11 \’Health Foods\’ That Aren\’t Really Good For You

I love lists like these, because they cause me to revisit what I\’m eating (or not eating) and adjust my habits. If you\’d rather jump to the list, it\’s at the bottom of this article, but I wanted to say one thing first…especially to those of you four faithful readers who are experiencing slow weight loss or riding a little bit of a weight roller coaster…

I\’m just now coming off almost six months of VERY slow, almost zero weight loss, marked by losing a pound, gaining two, losing three, gaining one, and on and on and on for MONTHS. It was frustrating.

I know the reason for this is my weight loss. The more weight you lose, the less calories you require during the day to maintain your weight. Over the last few months, I\’ve been \”bumping up against\” this threshold, figuring out what works and what doesn\’t.

The one thing I\’ve found is this (and buckle your seatbelts, because it\’ll blow you away, people): the more I stay away from added sugar (sucrose, corn syrup, agave nectar, etc.), the more I consistently lose weight.

Those of you who have fallen on the floor, revive yourselves. I\’ll wait here for a minute while you do.

It really does make sense, but when you\’re eating \”healthy,\” how could you gain weight, right? And I\’ve been eating \”healthy.\” Right?

Not quite.

The things that were tripping me up were things I can technically HAVE…because they aren\’t highly processed, don\’t contain high fructose corn syrup and a lot of other preservatives. However, they do contain sugar, and that\’s what caused my body to hang onto the weight and/or pile it back on.

Things like Kashi\’s Cinnamon Harvest cereal are \”all natural\” and \”healthy\” when compared to other cereals, but when you look at the sugar count, it\’s not the best choice for breakfast. Blue Bell\’s All Natural Fruit Bars are SO GREAT as a snack because they contain real fruit, are vegan, and only have five or six ingredients. However, they\’re packed with sugar, and on days when I\’d have two of them, I could almost guarantee and extra pound or two within a couple of days.

All that said, I\’m still eating things I enjoy. And on occasion, I\’ll still have Blue Bell\’s Lime Fruit Bars because they are freaking delicious! But for my daily routine, I\’ll stick to the natural fructose found in my favorite fruits rather than refined sugar…and watch my health keep getting better and my weight falling again as it should.

Now, to keep you informed, my four faithful readers, here is a list of the \”Top 11 \’Health Foods\’ That Aren\’t Healthy.\” Great reading for those of you trying to stay on the straight and narrow!

3 thoughts on “11 \’Health Foods\’ That Aren\’t Really Good For You”

  1. Doy!
    A good read and very informative. I have lost almost 30 lbs in the last few months. Why? Ive started to eat more things that I hated and now Ive gotten used to them and enjoy them. Things like fresh veggies, less red meats, home made veggie juices and so on. I can feel my blood pressure is going down and watch it on a monitor. I know your advice has helped me to make these changes and I thank you for it. Please keep sharing!

    1. Jim, that is so super awesome, man! I’m ecstatic for you! Keep up the great work, and thanks a TON for the encouragement!

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