As I\’ve mentioned before, quitting my soda habit was one of the most difficult things I\’ve done in this year-long process. I drank a couple of 20 oz. diet sodas everyday (and then some, on occasion).
I know there is at least one of you four faithful readers who is struggling with this addiction, too, and because I\’m committed to helping you, my mission today is to pretty much gross you out!
Aren\’t you happy you stopped by?
The embedded video, created by \”The Crazy Russian,\” shows the remaining \”gunk\” you\’re left with after boiling a bottle of Coke. It isn\’t pretty. And that\’s kind of the point.
I\’m a water drinker only these days, with the occasional 100% Fruit Juice not from concentrate, but only when I\’m sick for the most part and very rarely.
Not only is soda of any stripe bad for your stomach and teeth, it contains a TON of high fructose corn syrup, aspertame or other sweeteners, all of which are scientifically proven to make you gain weight (yes, even the diet sodas).
I tried to do soda in moderation, but seemed to fail every time. I finally went cold turkey and haven\’t looked back.
I hope this video will at least make you think about what\’s in the drink you\’re ingesting, and if you kick the Coke habit as a result, all the better!
Happy Friday! Enjoy!
Doy – I imagined sodas were unhealthy, but I didn’t realize this much CRAP was inside those popular “refreshments?!!” Thanks always for your posts. Will spread this info to friends and family about the dangers of sodas to our health! – Carl